Good evening

I had wanted to finish writing this piece since Tuesday but I have so busy at work that I couldn’t get to it. But I made sure that I get it completed today. Well that’s one thing off my start and not finish list.

DLadySophia turned 25 on Monday October 17, 2016, and tell you the truth, I have no IDEA what am doing, and where am going, what the hell is happening.

This birthday I threw myself and my brother Abdulkadir Muqadds a kick-ass birthday prayer with cake guest and family clerics, the Sunday before my birthday. 

It was spectacular!!!! My cousin Harneephat Harjoke made the Cake, my Sister Calm Angel Miss Usamatu Abdulkafeel tended to the food and drinks and I somehow forced my sweet little cousin to sing me the popular birthday jingle, I was happy.

Until it was actually 17th the next morning and I realized that my happiness doesn’t change the fact that I just turned “25” “Silver Jubilee” “A Quarter of a Century Old” and have no idea what’s next.

There are many things I probably should have done or be able to do by now, like waking up early! Go to work early!! Drive a CAR!!! Write my ICAN exams and get chartered!!!! Get that MSc!!!!! To name a few, but I haven’t and I still think I can’t.

But in between my confusion and anxiety also numerous online research, I realize I’m not alone, a lot of people have gone through or are currently going through this moment as I, and some have somehow figured it out themselves, I saw so many lists and I figured out I had to make my own list, so I made two lists the first is “Things I have to improve or do now that I have turned “25”” and the second is “Things I have to do before I turn “50”

My lists will be updated soon and can be viewed in my next post. "TURNING 25"
To view my list now click the link below: 


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