DLadySophia's 7 Leadership tips!
Do You Want to Be Seen as a Leader? Then get use to these 7 Habits!!! Powerful people don’t become powerful by chance. They aren’t born leaders, they don’t get randomly selected, and they aren’t handed power on a silver platter. Instead, power comes to them as a result of their behaviors, their actions, and their habits. Because of this, it’s possible for anyone to rise to a position of power, whether that’s in the formal political sense or just in the context of your own office—all it takes is the right combination of habits, and the right mentality. If you’re seeking more power or influence in your own life, or you just want to model your lifestyle on the powerful leaders that came before you, take inspiration from these seven habits: 1. They Never Speak Too Much Abraham Lincoln was once quoted as saying that it’s “better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.” Certainly, some of the most powerful people in the world have ...