Being the Most Confident Person in the Room
Being the Most Confident Person in the Room You do not have to search the whole world, books in library or the internet, for an easy hack to building your confidence—some top influential people say you should adjust your posture, give yourself a pep talk every morning, envision your future full of success etc. Well, you can follow these top influences and mimic their habits. Or you can do something far more straightforward, Get experience!!!! Yes that’s right but yet incredibly underrated. I know right? It sounds obvious! But if you really want to become the most confident person in the room, you have to actually become the most informed and prepared: “Nothing beats the confidence-building effects of preparation, and of focusing on the minute-by-minute process that lies entirely within your control,” Just think about that next presentation you have to give at work. Should you just strike a power posture and pray your boss thinks you’re a star? Or, should you also do your re...