Curious to see what the ‘‘blood type dating theory’’ says about you?

Love and Blood Types in the Chinese Dating Scene

Are you trying to find your 白马王子 (bái mǎ wáng zǐ ) , aka Prince Charming, or your 梦中女神 (mèng zhōng nǚ shén) , the goddess of your dreams? 
Well I have! And since I’m pretty serious about marrying a Chinese man, I have been studying them a lot lately! You might have noticed my language improvement and fluency skills in speaking and reading Chinese (zhong wen), also I have signed up to learn so many (zhong guo cai) Chinese food, and also Chinese cultures and traditions, which my dear friends is how I stumbled upon this very interesting article!

Well, apparently or rather interestingly searching for your perfect match by is not only comparing your 星座 (xīng zuò) horoscopes, or analyzing the compatibility of your 生肖 (shēng xiào) birth years?
But you have to consider comparing your...…... 血型 (xuě xíng) – blood type?

Personality Traits by Blood Type
Japan was the actually the first country to characterize individual personalities through blood types. The revolutionary idea then quickly spread to Korea and China, where blood type became a popular tool used to judge how date-able a person is.
In addition to the standard check boxes of owning a car and a house, education status, and height, blood type is also a factor that Chinese people consider in their search for love.
In this blog post, I’ll share JINNA WANG’s observations of love and dating in China as it relates to blood types and personalities.

Curious to see what the ‘‘blood type dating theory’’ says about you?

Well here we go!!

Type A
Type A’s are generally
严肃 (yán sù) serious,
耐心 (nài xīn)  patient, and
诚实 (chéng shí)  honest.
While people love Type A’s for their responsible nature, they can sometimes be seen as overly uptight and 倔强 (jué jiàng) stubborn.
Perfect Date: 公园野餐 (gōng yuán yě cān) - A picnic in the park
Pet Peeve: 杂乱 (zá luàn) - Disorganization
Most compatible with: Type O

Type B
 Type B’s are
The most 善交际的 (shàn jiāo jì de) or ‘sociable’ of the bunch.
They are total rule breakers who love a little bit of chaos.
Blood Type B’s have a passion for life and
A ton of 好奇心 (hào qí xīn )  – curiosity about a wide variety of subjects, making them an exciting romantic partner.
On the dark side, type B’s have a tendency to be 自私 (zì sī)  selfish, and are known as sure-fire heart-breakers, making them the most un-dateable of the four blood types.
Perfect Date: 游乐园 (yóu lè yuán)  – Amusement park
Pet Peeve: 琐事 (suǒ shì)  Small, repetitive tasks
Most compatible with: Type B

Type O
Being 开朗 (kāi lǎng)  outgoing,
自信 (zì xìn)  confident, and
善良 (shàn liáng)  kind  
Type O’s are natural born leaders who are true romantics at heart.
Type O’s love to make big swooping gestures – picture enormous flower deliveries, standing outside in the rain playing your favorite song on the radio… anything you might see in a late 80’s rom-com, really.
Although O’s are known to have the ‘best’ personalities of the bunch, they can sometimes become 嫉妒 (jí dù)  jealous and 傲慢 (ào màn)  arrogant.
Perfect Date: 烛光晚餐 (zhú guāng wǎn cān)  - Candle-lit dinner
Pet Peeve: 懒惰 (lǎn duò)  - Laziness
Most compatible with: Type A

Type AB
Type AB’s are typically seen as
The (kù)  cool,
冷静(lěng jìng)  calm, and
沉稳 (chén wěn) collected types.
Due to their dual nature, Type AB’s encompass personality traits from both A and B, and are often very 变幻莫测 (biàn huàn mò cè)  - unpredictable.
Type AB’s are not the type to fall head-over-heels in love due to their rational nature, but once committed, make 周到 (zhōu dào) , or considerate, partners. They are highly intellectual and creative, making them excellent partners in conversation if you can get past their initial 羞怯 (xiū qiè)  shyness.
Perfect Date: 咖啡店 (kā fēi diàn)  - Coffee Shop
Pet Peeve: 霸道 (bà dào)  - Overbearing
Most compatible with: Type B

Dating in China can be tough. As you search in the dating market for a 高富帅 (gāo fù shuài) – Mr. Perfect, or 白富美 (bái fù měi) – Ms. Perfect, remember to take the blood type personality traits with a grain of salt. None of this has been scientifically proven, but at times, it does seem eerily accurate, doesn't it?
Well?! DOES IT?!


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