Turning 25 is a big deal for a lot of people, especially yours truly ME, it is me turning “A Quarter of a Century Old” “My first Jubilee” “Silver Jubilee” it feels good.

After throwing unnecessary tantrums about my future since Monday morning I decided to make a list as a lot of people do and walk myself through it, to attaining a better story for next year.

Here’s what I think I should do now that I am “25”

“Things I have to improve or do now that I have turned “25”


  • 1.      Get rid of unnecessary animosity toward family members for doing something unimportant
    2.       Steadfast in my faith / religious beliefs
    3.       Become my own advocate, and form my own opinion and learn to defend it
    4.       Saying NO and reduce arguing with people or better still argue but don’t lose your cool
    5.       Taking criticism and rejection well. “This is going to be hard”
    6.       Speak passively and less aggressively
    7.        Give unwelcome news with compassion and tact. My sister and My brother has made me realize that there are times when brutally honest is not OK
    8.       Reading and thinking critically. “This is to make me smarter than you so watch out”
    9.       Loose the WEIGHT. Start eating healthy and nutritious meals
    10.   Become a more welcoming and accommodating person to your house guest
    11.   Understanding my finances, reduce extravagance, no loans, Be Financially Literate
    12.   Learn to walk away from things you believe isn’t right, like one sided friendships, wrong jobs, wrong relationships and ARGUMENTS

    13.   Learn to finish what you start. Finish that Master’s Degree at NOUN
    14.   Try to always have fun and enjoy myself, go out more often and meet people, remember SUNDAY FUNDAY???
    15.   Always apologize with sincerity
    16.   Go a day without complaining
    17.   Try the listening and understanding skill, no more I hear you
    18.   Organize myself stay organized and prepared
    19.   Let go of grudges I have against myself
    20.   Did I Mention make new friends? Someone has to replace the one sided ones
    21.   Try something new, join a community, a GOOD and LEGITIMATE one
    22.   Attend more religious gatherings
    23.   Always stick to a budget, use one of my numerous savings account the right way
    24.   Give alms a lot, help an orphan, an animal, a friend the less privilege, start a foundation
    25.   Most importantly learn to drive a CAR


  1. you look great...... alhamdulillah...... peace unto you

  2. Books you need to reach before you turn 25

    Attitude is everythingry.

    Rich dad poor dad.

    Art of seduction.

    Hope you've read them? If not look for them and do so...


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