
Showing posts from March, 2017

The Islamic Month of Rajab!!!!

Rajab marks the beginning of the spiritual season of every believer ending with the end of the fasting month of Ramadan with the Eid Al-Fitr. These three months (Rajab, Sha'ban and Ramadan) are unmatched in their importance. Praise be to the Almighty and thanks to Him for granting us yet another opportunity to cleanse ourselves of our sins and oversights. The Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) has said: "Rajab is a great month of Allah (SWT), unmatched by any other month in the respect and significance (accorded to it); war with the infidels during this month is prohibited; Verily, Rajab is Allah's month, Sha'ban my month and Ramadan the month of my Ummah; whosoever fasts a day in the month of Rajab will be granted the great reward of Ridwan (an angel in heaven); the wrath of Allah (SWT) shall be distanced and a door of the Hell shall be closed." Assalaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu How are you? Insha’Allah, You are very well by ALLA...

My classification of friends you should keep in your life

CLASS IFI CATION OF FRI ENDS A wise scholar once said, “Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born.” There’s another popular saying that “P ower and Money are fruits of Life, but family and friends are roots of life. I was once caught lost in thoughts wondering what kind of friends to take with me as i made the transition from one phase of life to another! I realize that the same question has been bordering others as well, but the thing is that when it comes to friendship, there's bound to be a few bad eggs in the crates which now make it hard for us to think about live long friendship. I am some who has lost a lot of friends due to theses so trust me I KNOW!!! Due to little bad experiences, we tend to lose faith but the truth is that there will always be few friends that are worth to be in your life for a long time. Hence I decided to create a classification of the friends ...

Terrified or Terrific Tuesday "CORRUPTION: MADE IN NIGERIA"

CORRUPTION: MADE IN NI GER IA When the killer plague diseases #Birdflu, #Ebola and #Lassafever were calling, Our Government responded decisively to stop the rampage of the deadly communicable diseases. The Government reacted swiftly then so as not to dent the corporate image of the country in the eyes of the International Community. Maybe, it was due to the fact that the diseases were affecting both the high and mighty in the society. But something more horrifying and image denting has long plagued the country for years without any actions from the Government to tame the monster. Yes you are RIGHT ! ! I’m talking about CORRUPTION ! The biggest, maddest and deadliest communicable disease since time immemorial! Although it has been business as usual in the country, it seems as though nobody sees it as I do, or maybe they do but would rather go along with the popular saying “if you can’t beat them join them” What a pity! The founders of our country were the best, they would ha...