Traveling soon? What are your plans?

Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu

Hope this reaches you in the best of health and Imaan.


You know whenever we have to travel somewhere, esp. if it involves children, we often plan and prepare well in advance right? 

We make lists, we set reminders and we even have our suitcases open in our rooms, making it easy for us to throw in things whenever we remember.

We put in things little by little, so much so that sometimes we end up packing stuff we won't even need! "Just in case" we tell ourselves (I've done this so many times!)

So much preparation for a small vacay in this Dunya. 

But have you ever thought about your journey to the Hereafter?

How much are you preparing for that? Because Allah says in Surah at-Takwir: 


عَلِمَتْ نَفْسٌ مَّا أَحْضَرَتْ - 

A soul will [then] know what it has brought [with it]. [Surah at-Takwir: 14]


Every soul will know what it has brought with it for the Day of Judgment. What it had prepared for that day!

So we really need to sit down and ask ourselves some deep questions..

What am I sending ahead for myself for the Hereafter?

How much Qur'an do I recite?

How much Khushoo and tranquility do I have in my Salah?

How much Sadaqah have I given?

How much have I helped in my community?

How many Madrasas and Masjids have I established?

How many beneficial books have I written?

How much of what I do is for the Dunya and how much is for the Akhirah?

How much wealth do I invest in this Dunya and how much wealth have I invested for the Akhirah?

Elsewhere in the Qur'an Allah says:


يَوْمَ تَجِدُ كُلُّ نَفْسٍ مَّا عَمِلَتْ مِنْ خَيْرٍ مُّحْضَرًا وَمَا عَمِلَتْ مِن سُوءٍ تَوَدُّ لَوْ أَنَّ بَيْنَهَا وَبَيْنَهُ أَمَدًا بَعِيدًا ۗ وَيُحَذِّرُكُمُ اللَّهُ نَفْسَهُ ۗ وَاللَّهُ رَءُوفٌ بِالْعِبَادِ 

The Day every soul will find what it has done of good present [before it] and what it has done of evil, it will wish that between itself and that [evil] was a great distance. And Allah warns you of Himself, and Allah is Kind to [His] servants." [Surah Ali' Imran: 30]


So here's your Action Point for today:

Do a righteous deed today, that you wish to see present before you on the Day of Judgment.

Send ahead as many good deeds for yourself!

Until next time!

- DLadySophia
A Striving Muslimah


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