What is PINYIN

Hanyu pinyin is literally the phonetic spelling of the Chinese language. This system of phonetic transcription uses the Latin alphabet to write Chinese characters phonetically.

The main use of this system is to get a Chinese language study much more easier for those unfamiliar with its writing, and the ability to write Chinese characters using QWERTY keyboards.

Pinyin has 6 simple vowelsaoeiuü

All these vowels can be combined (at the end of a word) with consonants consonant to form word endings.

Double vowels: -ai, -ei, -ao, -ouVowels and nasal consonants: -an, -en, -ang, -eng, -ong Combinations vowel i: -ia, -ie, -iao, -iou, -ian, -iang, -in, -ing, -iong Combinations vowel u: -ua, -uo, -uai, -uei, -uan, -uen, -uang, -ueng Combinations vowel ü: -üe, -üan, -ün

Below is a list of all consonants that can be combined with previous word endings to make words:

Group 1
b, p, m, f
- Do not combine with vowels e and ü
- f never combine with vowel i
- Do not combine with - iong
- There are no combinations -bou, -fai and -fao

Group 2
d, t, n, l
- Do not combine with vocal o
- d and t do not match ü
- Do not combine with - iong and - ueng

Group 3
g, k, h
- Do not combine with vowels o, i and ü
- Do not combine with - ueng

Group 4
z, c, s
- Do not combine with o, i and ü (but does with -i: zi, ci, si)
- Do not combine with ü
- Do not combine with -ua, - uai, - uen, - uang and - ueng

Group 5
zh, ch, sh, r
- Do not combine with o, i and ü (but does with -i: zhi, chi, shi, ri)
- Do not combine with -uei, -uen, -ueng.

Group 6
j, q, x
- Only combine with i and ü


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