I'm so bored!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I miss this guy so much, i started downloading so many super hero series to enjoy watching a villain killing and antagonizing the heroes. So far i have watched #Supernatural, #Smallville, #Super Girl, #Phineas and Ferb, #The Flash, #Gotham and #Arrow to name a few up to their most current episodes, and there was no bad guy i enjoyed watching as much as i enjoy watching Klaus . Sadly, really sadly, none of the villains are master planners like Klaus . They were all easily and less tactically defeated. It is really sad. I miss Klaus so much, Why OH why did they move it to next year? and to top that there even went further to reduce the episodes. Last year i had similar experience, but then i went on a romantic heroes marathon, as i was left on a cliff hanger on Klamille, but now Camille is dead!!! Which is why, this time i moved on to the Villains, which it seems isn't working well for me. So now looking at the heroes in all th...