I guess every one is well aware of this fact already, but i decided to write about them to day because my sister and i have developed a new very nutritious and fat burning lemon drink, trust me its no lemonade as we've added no sugar to the mix but it sure is wonderful and it really helps to burn that tummy fat you want to reduce.
Well our recipe is not so difficult as all you need do is slice your lemon and LIME to how it desires you and put it in a jar of water, use this jar of lemon water to replace your normal intake of water daily, you could drink up to 8 jars if desired. Other ingredients my sister and i add to the lemon water includes but not limited to: Cucumber, Ginger, Garlic and .............. well the last one will remain a secrete until you comment below requesting for it.
But taking the lemon & lime water alone is very good, and works wonders, see this picture culled from and it helps you understand what I'm trying to say:
- Keeps body dehydrated
- Improves immune system
- Makes digestion better
- Maintains acidity level of the body
- Lowers hunger pangs
- Manages respiratory issues
- Healthy liver
- Heals oral ulcers and relieves congestion
- Eradicates root cause of pile and prevents gout
- Rejuvenate skin
- Aging control
- Cures scurvy
- Aids digestion
- Disinfects cholera
- Regulates sugar absorption in diabetic patient
- Prevents heart disease
I do have some tweaks to the photo above that is the AM part, i mean the part that says it benefits in the morning, whenever you take lemon and lime water, you get these result.
My own funny saying is that "When you eat lemons and limes, you become cool" like eating jalapeno pepper.
I can't wait to know how lemonade tastes..