Good morning

It's another very boring and very busy Monday morning. live just moving on one after the other.

Yesterday was a very interesting day, i finally got myself out of the house on Sunday, i have always wanted to create a tradition for Sunday's and  i think its all coming together. Now i just pray i get the strength to continue.

The activities of SUNDAY FUNDAY depends on your kind of clique, but i suggest the following

  • Visit a hospital - to see the sick, this reminds you appreciate Allah for your health
  • Visit a cemetery - to see the grave, this reminds that you could die at anytime and that you should make do of the time you've got right now
  • Visit an Orphanage - to see the people struggling to survive, this is to remind you to appreciate Allah more for your current position.
  • Go for an outing with family and friends - take out your family, have a nice family time, talk about all you've seen and learn on this day. This reminds you to thank Allah for the people he has surrounded you with. 

Well that's all for now these are my four Sunday funday tips, it helps you prepare your self for the week ahead, and keeps you mentally in check.

I'm sure you all read my previous post and saw how angry i sounded, well I'm not that angry anymore because i had fun on Sunday and i have learn to appreciate my life even more and to probably ignore people more. Now I'm just quite focused on My life and how i want the rest of my journey to go on.

So, i deleted the previous post, but i don't deny writing it or feeling that way, i just feel much better now.

I hope you try out the Sunday Funday tips above.

Thanks have a better Monday than mine.



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