Yesterday was another Sunday, so my siblings and i went out for our usual Sunday funday outing.
First we had brunch @ chronicles in palm view mall, which sadly i must add was not to par, as all their food was over priced and not even well seasoned, their beef was a day? no two days old and was tasting really terrible.
After the terrible experience @ chronicles eating a bad unhealthy meal. We went to watch a movie in a CINEMA at palm view mall. It was my first time in a cinema, i was very excited and I'm glad it met my expectations. 
VIVA cinema was really a good first for me, and it was a good, no; perfect birthday gift in arrears, from my colleague at work. The movie my colleague selected was Queen of Katwe, to be honest i had  thought i would probably sleep through the whole movie, as it was an African movie filmed in Uganda or about Uganda. I was certain that i was going to hate it, but i was wrong, the movie was very nice i loved it, i enjoyed it, it was quite inspiring. You can also catch the movie at the following times, they also have other very interesting movies you should see. Check out the flyer below.
At the room we entered, the one showing Queen of Katwe, we were very few, but the projections the movie quality and the speakers was exquisite, really good job i must add. We met other people there although we didn't start a community but we all connected while watching phiona and Benjamin checkmate other players. After 2 hours of watching the amazing movie, we wanted to go sight seeing, but i was very hungry, i refused to eat the terrible food at Chronicles. So first things first, i decided to enter shop-rite also at the palm view mall to buy some paella seafood rice, and then we shopped a little, you know how shopping is fun right???

Eventually we left palm view and went sight seeing or rather drive seeing, we drove through G.R.A, Tanke, Broadway, and Coca-Cola road, i finally got the opportunity to show my sister where i work. Then we went to Taiwo, Surulere and so many others i can't spell. To tell you a secrete, I haven't enjoyed an outing until i sit behind a car a watch the world go by, as someone else drives me. Although I really want to be driving soon.

It was nice to see all those beautiful places, or just going around driving. I eventually decided that for my next Sunday funday outing we should visit ASA DAM, but my sibling are debating that we choose either FISH n NET or WATER VIEW. Well its not decided yet, whatever we decide to do I'm positive that it will be so much fun, as long as we are together, a family, my family.
Enjoy the video below and till next time, Mmuah.


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